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Secure Business Messaging

Protecting security and privacy in and Enterprise and beyond

Enterprise communication channels have been targeted by attackers for years now, whether via phishing mails, CEO fraud or leaked mail traffic. And communication requirements have increased too. Company communications need to be secure – but the technology shouldn’t compromise usability. This is especially the case today with so many people working from home or while traveling, often using more than one device. 

CIOs and other IT managers are under pressure too. That’s because the demands on IT tend to increase faster than the available resources. IT professionals also need to deal with external pressures, such as compliance with the requirements of regulations like GDPR and NIS2.


Secure communications for financial services


Billions are transferred back and forth every day in the finance industry. It goes without saying that internal communications need to be well-protected there in order to block espionage and hacking attacks.

The problem: regulators like Germany’s Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and the SEC require insight into chat records when they’re conducting investigations. They do this to follow up on any suspicions of market manipulation or insider trading. 

In the past, fines that ran into the billions were imposed on banks if they used unauthorized messenger apps like WhatsApp.


Wire provides a legal hold function that resolves this dilemma.

Staff in banks and other regulated companies can continue to communicate with each other in the usual way while benefiting from Wire security and end-to-end encryption. Customers can ask for the conversations to be logged in separate, specially-secured systems. They can then be provided to the authorities if required.



Staff can communicate securely at work with no need to fear drastic fines. All messages are encrypted end-to-end and protected from unauthorized access.

Communication that is ready for NIS 2

The EU’s revised network security directive, NIS 2, increases pressure on companies to implement effective IT security management. That also applies to areas like secure and emergency communications. You can easily implement these with Wire – in a secure and user-friendly way.

Secure Communications for board members

When board members and management teams communicate, there are no trivial subjects on the agenda. And confidentiality is a requirement throughout. With Wire, you don’t need to worry about any of that. Our end-to-end encryption isn’t an optional setting – it’s always active.  That ensures all your discussions are protected.


Learn how Wire enables you to communicate  compliant and highly secure within your enterprise and beyond. 

Wire is more than just a secure business messenger.

Talk with us and learn how your enterprise can benefit of Wire's bullet proof security that support enterprises worldwide to stay compliant and keep privacy in any message, voice or video message or conference that is exchanged in your business and beyond.