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Confidential Communications for the Public Sector

Security, Transparency and Digital Sovereignty for Governments, Parliaments, Public Authorities and law enforcement

Secure Information Sharing for Governments, Parliaments, Public Authorities and Law Enforcement - Federated Messenger Networks ensure that Confidential Information stays Confidential

Over the last few years, the work of governments, parliaments and public authorities has become significantly more demanding. These actors are having to deal with the management of multiple crises and challenges, to say nothing of the dramatically aggravated security situation and constant increase in cyberattacks. 

Faced with these issues, the vast majority of public authorities do not have the resources to solve all these problems alone. This is why they need their communications to be secure, both within their own organization and externally. 

Ensuring their executive and legislative work is effective requires a reliable platform for highly-secure information sharing – whether via messenger, audio or video conferences – as well as for the secure transmission of classified documents.

THE SOLUTION: Wire. The most advanced and secure way for public authorities to communicate.

Secure Government Communications


The implementation of a secure communication solution for staff in public administration organizations that have stringent security requirements. The communication environment must comply with applicable regulations for confidential communication. Authorities also require a secure connection to external business partners via federation, even if they decide to host Wire on-premises.


The solution is Wire's highly secure communications environment, hosted in the customer's data center. The communication platform has been implemented for different security levels and application purposes. Even if the customer hosts the application itself, Wire specialists provide ongoing support. Additional authorities and service providers can be connected via Wire Federation.


Secure communication across different authorities, enabling them to send classified documents via Wire.
Active use of the messaging service, as well as secure audio and video communication with up to 100 participants per conference.


Secure Communication for Defense and Law Enforcement

Most of the G7 nations use Wire as their secure messaging solution. Wire enables them to communicate securely within their own organization and to interconnect several on-premises installations for extended connectivity. 

Secure Communication for Government Agencies

Wire enables communication that complies with the highest security standards and is already deployed around the world. Along with its messaging function, Wire’s decisive benefit for military personnel and law enforcement authorities is that it enables them to share files and collaborate with each other.


Learn more about our Solution Portfolio for the Public Sector

Wire is much more than just a secure business messenger. Wire knows about the needs in governments, public authorities as well as law enforcement and defence.

Talk to us and learn what we have to offer when you see the need to be use extremely secure and digitally sovereign messaging and communication solution.